Az elmult 2 nap is fantasztikus volt, belecsoppenni a buddhizmus valosagaba, a Tibeti kolostorok vilagaba /Jokhang, Potala, Ganden, Sera/ ! Sajnos a net annyira lassu, hogy nem fog sikerulni kifejteni amit szerettem volna es kepeket feltolteni, mert ez igy nem megy… mar kb 1 oraja ulok itt es csak az elozot sikerult megirnom, igerem amint lesz hasznlahato net azonnal bepotolom 🙂
A lenyeg elmondhatatlan amit latunk, erzunk, tapasztalunk!!!
Holnap elhagyjuk Lhasa-t terepjarokkal utazunk par szaz kilometert. Nem tudom mikor jutok legkozelebb nethez….
Ma mar egesz jo volt magashegyi betegsegnek csak pici fejfajas volt a maradvanya, annak ellenere hogy ma mar 4200m-en is voltunk!
The previous two days were so great, get a deep impression of Budhism though the monasteries in and around Lhasa /Jokhang, Potala, Ganden, Sera/. Unfortunately the net connection is very slow, so I will not be able to upload pix anymore… I am sitting here for more than an hour, I promised that I will not sitt to much in fron of a computer here! I will catch up as soon as possible, I promise!
The important is that there are no words for what we saw, felt, experienced!
Tomorrow we will leave Lhasa with Land Cruisers, drive a few hundred kilometers. I have no idea when will be the next time I will be able to use internet!
Today I had just a small simptom of AMS, just a small headache, although we were up to 4200m.