Ismet egy kolostor, szerzetesekkel es zarandokokkal, az ejjeli zivatarnak nyoma sincs, gyonyoru napsutes, kifejezetten fotozasra es videozasra lett teremtve a nap. A zarandokok annyira jo fejek, mosolyognak, ismerkednek, fotoztatjak magukat. A kolostor egyik kapolnajaban epp imakat enekel az egyik szerzetes, miutan fizettem neki 1 tizest hagyja is hogy videozzak. A hangulat oriasi, zarandokok jonnek, imaolajat ontenek a mecsesekbe, orajarasaval megegyezo iranyba bejarjak a kapolnat. (csak a kocsog nemet ne beszelne ilyen hangosan….)
Sajnos megint idohiany, a Kumbumra jut 30perc, ami nagyon keves a 6 emeletre, minden egtaj iranyaba 1 szentely, hatalmas buddha szobrokkal. Var a terepjaro, irany Shigatse.
Today another monastery in Gyantse, Monk, pilgrims included of course. The rain of the night has gone, beautiful sunshine, the day is meant to be for photograpy and filming. Most pilgrims are so nice, the are smiling, communicating wants us to make pictures of them. In one of the chapels on monk is praying, singing songs, and making music. After paying him Y10 he lets me shoot video in the chapel, pilgrims are coming, pouring prayer oil to the candles, clockwise wander around in the chapel (wish the germans wouldn’t be so loud talking…)
Again lack of time… Only 30 minutes left for the Kumbum, which is far less for the 6 floors of chapels, including ones in cardinal directions with huge buddha statues.
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